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작성자 관리자 작성일04-08-17 00:00 조회8,805회 댓글0건


사회권 규약 관련 기초자료 모음집

- 순 서 -

1. 사회권 규약

  1) 한글본 : ‘경제적,사회적,문화적 권리에 관한 국제규약(약칭 사회권 규약)’ (1966)

  2) 영문본 : ‘International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" (1966)

2. UN 사회권 위원회의 일반논평 : ‘General Comments"

1) General Comment 1 : "Reporting by States Parties" (1989)

2) General Comment 2 : "International technical assistance measure" (1990)

3) General Comment 3 : "The nature of States Parties obligation" (1990)

4) General Comment 4 : "The right to adequate housing" (1991)

5) General Comment 5 : "Persons with disability" (1994)

6) General Comment 6 : "The economic, social and cultural rights of older persons" (1995)

7) General Comment 7 : "The right to adequate housing (art.11.1) of the Covenant" (1997)

8) General Comment 8 : The relationship between economic sanctions and respect for economic, social and cultural rights" (1997)

9) General Comment 9 : "The domestic application of the Covenant" (1998)

10) General Comment 10 : "The roles of national human rights institutions in the protection of economic, social and cultural rights" (1998)

11) General Comment 11 : "Plans of action for primary education" (1999)

12) General Comment 12 : "The right to adequate food" (1999)

13) General Comment 13 : "The right to education (Article 13 of Covenant (1999)

3. 보고서 작성 매뉴얼 : manual on Human Rights Reporting

"The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Culture Rights" (1997)

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